Michael Neel

To day I am reaching to Make a Place that a moment in time can be saved and shared. I found a place in life that makes me want to explore and share not just my moments but yours also. I want to make your life shine if that be in a personal Photo or in your LIfe with Family. I want show the world who you can be and make your photo shine.

My life has always been to find the small things in life to look at how they work. How a face Can tell a story and a story can become a time in some ones life with new beginnings. How even a large rock can have a past.

I am a Army Veteran. I Have had many hats in my life I found that Life is about living. weather that be Riding a bull or working with tigers. To finding people that made life worth every second. Life is about being apart of it, and that is How I found photography. My time in South Korea I found talking with people to be interesting and hope that one day to bring that story back home with me. I wish i had more photos and would have taken more of the people that walked the streets. Now to Race forward I am at this point in my life and want to share your story your moment in time. Give you some thing to look back one and share with your family and friends.

I have been working on honing my Photography for a few years now I started in wild life there is a challenge of the hunt to find the personality in there life. Have been working with guru shots that Has world wide gallery and have won a few times. But now it time to Become a photographer that works to make your life shine. I can hardly wait to save your moment and give a memories that will last for years to come.

Contact us.

Let Make your moment in time last. In the Message let me know what you are looking for in a Photo session. What are some of the questions you may have for me so I can Help you with getting the most out of your time. Questions Like how long is a Session? Also tell me what you want and how I can Be Ready for our First Phone call.